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Why your credibility may be at stake/steak (even if you don’t know it)

By October 12, 2018No Comments

This may not be mind-blowing but it is radical.

Spelling errors and typos influence trust.

But all errors are not created equal.

Some errors diminish credibility more quickly than others.

When your reader thinks a fat finger or a rush to get the message out caused a spelling error AND when the reader is generally a trusting type of person, the typo won’t impact much.

The same type of typo will get a more dramatic reaction if your reader is typically skeptical. To that type of reader, your typo will be proof of carelessness and lack of attention to detail.

It gets even better. Or worse.

When the misteak is an orthographical error (for instance, misteak for mistake [did you see it?!], to for too, grate for great), recipients are likely to think the error is due to a “cognitive challenge” you may have.

Researchers at Clemson University found that “text of better quality will elicit greater degrees of perceived author credibility.…”

And at IU Kelley School of Business, researchers found (though their research was primarily about the trustworthiness of online reviews) that both simple slips of the finger AND orthographical misspellings reduce trustworthiness and credibility, and writers are seen as less conscientious and less intelligent.


Proofreading never seemed smarter!

It’s not enough to depend on spellcheck. Take the time to proof and read.

Promote confidence in your personal brand by using the correct word, spelled wright, write, right.

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